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Laura Coviella ‘Daily Gambling’

Surfing is often like a casino; you go in frenetic to make your all-in or nothing bet—GLORY or BUST! A 6-week casino with 3 different cultures—I’d say that, despite the odds, we won most of the games.

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Eithan Osborne – ‘Skinny Meat Head’

The latest flick from Dane Reynolds Chapter 11 TV follows Eithan Osborne around the globe to document surf trips and the challenge of balancing free surfing with the ups and downs of trying to achieve his dream of qualifying for the WSL Championship tour.

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Mikey February ‘Good Hope’

A Vignette of Mikey February. Or 3000kms across South Africa in a Hilux with one working door. Oh Cape Town! The traditional begin and end spot for any South African adventure, the last stop in Africa before Antarctica and what a fabulous stop it is! Where to begin! Effortlessly stylish. The most glorious of settings. An Atlantic coast for swell …