A film by Deke Angel and George Trimm.
Small Talks With Jason Woodside
Small Talks With Jason Woodside
The Death of Street Art Troll, Hanksy
Lucas, formerly known as the notorious street artist Hanksy, made a name for himself by reproducing pop culture figures into parodic public art memes. His most famous one involves Banksy’s signature rat stencil with Tom Hanks’ face emblazoned on its head. One of his more recent victims includes President Donald Trump in which the artwork portrays the iPhone’s poop emoji …
Evan Rossell X Convicts
Evan Rossell X Convicts
Anthony Lister ‘Big Dreams / Little Buttons’
Real life footage. All original. All authentic. No actors. No animals were harmed in the making of this film.
Small Talks Thomas Campbell
Thomas is a self-taught painter, sculpture, photographer, and filmmaker who splits his time between his stuff making studio in Bonny Doon, CA and traversing the globe making films. His artworks combine scribbles and scriptures, taking slogans and anecdotes from his unique vocabulary and juxtaposing them with a profound look at human nature. His movement-oriented paintings are as layered with meaning …
Building A Secret Studio Under A Road Bridge
Building A Secret Studio Under A Road Bridge
Kelsey Brookes ‘Position’
Monster Children visited Kelsey Brookes at his studio in Southern California as he prepped for his solo show opening in Detroit this week, to talk about his new collection with RVCA and tenure with the Artist Network Program. When asked of his inspiration and what his new collection, “Position” represents, Brookes’ responded noting all the beautiful intricacies our world has to …
‘Table Talk’ Chad Muska for Monster Children Mag
The latest installment of Table Talk features innovative street skater turned artist Chad Muska catching up with our host and skate legend Chris Pastras as they discuss his transition from one of the most innovative skateboarders of all time to artist.